Tuesday, December 29, 2009




The Department of Health and Human Services is trying to overturn a key policy related to human trafficking.

It is all related to the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), according to Tom McClusky of the Family Research Council.

Tom McClusky (FRC)"PEPFAR was created by President Bush in 2003 to help stop the HIV/AIDS epidemic that was happening in Africa," McClusky explains. "Within the legislation was a pledge for organizations that received federal money -- [a pledge] that they would not promote or put forth prostitution."

This pledge was established because prostitution was one of the primary sources for the spread of the disease. According to McClusky, however, that legislation against promotion is about to change.

"What the Obama administration is trying to do is to allow these organizations...that promote prostitution [to] receive federal money," he reports.

That funding extends to the countries where the organization operates, so the financial support will no longer be a tool to reduce prostitution and human trafficking, including that of children. Instead, it will result in the exploitation of women and children

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